Friday 4 February 2011

Journey back to Chile

Sadly it was time to say goodbye to Heather and make my way down to the southern most city in the World, Punta Arenas. This time I stayed awake for the scenic bit of the bus journey out of Bariloche, but I'm not sure how well the pictures came out. At the border crossing into Chile my remaining nectarine got confiscated, which I was quite upset about, I was looking forward to it!  The one I managed to eat earlier was very tasty! Luckily they did not confiscate my empanadas. 

After a sniffer dog had checked everyones bags for wayward bits of fruit and veg, we were allowed to continue on our way. I think I slept for most of the rest of the journey.  Arriving in Puerto Montt bus station, I had a small hope that I would be able to catch a bus to get me to the airport in time for an earlier flight.  Therefore I started to get twitchy although there was nothing I could do! Arrived at the airport and joined the queue for check-in.  Queues don't seem to matter in Chile, I was overtaken by several people and things were going slowly. My lack of spanish did not help here either.  By the time I got to check in, 40 minutes later, chances for getting on the earlier flight were zero and I was exhausted already, which didn't help things.  After forking out for more overweight baggage costs I went and sat in the cafe.  I think I unnerved the guy serving me with my sniffling and blotchy red face, had been and cried in the bathroom to get the pent up stress of a day travelling out of my system!(Also becasue I wanted the company I had left behind to be with me). Such a waste of energy thinking I might get to Punta Arenas in the light, ah well.  Sat and had a beef and avocado sandwich and a cup of tea.  However, the tea with milk I ordered was not tea with milk, it was hot milk with a tea bag! A disappointing first attempt, but I managed to ask for some hot water and eventually I got that warm and comforting feeling a good cup of tea gives.  To while away the hours I played angry birds on my ipod and wrote in my diary. 

Eventually I decided to go through security and wander around the other side.  Very dull and boring.  I was very keen to get to Punta Arenas so I could sleep properly.  Pleased to get on the plane, not impressed by the cloud cover, was hoping to get some good pics of Patagonia as we flew over.  There was a sunset to take pictures of though.  Got the bus to Punta Arenas simple enough, although the address of the hostel seemed to confuse the driver but I got there eventually.  The door of the hostel was more difficult to find!  Hurrah for bed and sleep.  I had discovered that my phone was no longer where I kept it, I had probably left it on my bunk in Bariloche.  This was very frustrating as it is the only alarm that keeps me awake (and all the numbers etc that would be difficult to re-attain). Not a restful nights sleep, I did not want to miss the bus to Torres del Paine in the morning.

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