Friday 21 January 2011

Climbing and ice cream

I felt very lazy becasue Heather had been up and out to buy lunch for the day before I had woken up.  Had a good breakfast and packed bags before 10, when our lift was supposed to arrive, but this is Argentina and things run slow.  Two Canadians turned up in the meantime, more of Heather's internet climbing contacts.  It was again time to play three in the bed in the back of the car and this time I could see out of a window!  We stopped off to get some facturas, Argentine pastries, for elevenses.  On the drive to the climbing rock we glimpsed the slums, hidden away in a valley behind the main town.  Always in view were the mountains ahead, Cerro Catedral, a ridge of tall spiky rocks.  Exciting to see where we were going to be walking the next day and a little daunting at the same time.  After a short scramble up to the crag called 'the window' (in spanish), named because the top of the longest routes reach a large hole in the rock, we settled down for some climbing.  The local bird life came to check us out breifly, includung a condor and a falcon (very rare) but were too quick for a camera.  I did a couple of routes then decided it was too much like hard work in the midday sun and became photographer.  The scenery was amazing, more lake and mountain pictures, blue green, brown and white all together in a perfect postcard setting.  Could see the tallest point of Cerro Catedral peeking through a dip in the ridge after the clouds had cleared, the view from the top of this must be breathtaking.  Lunchtime introduced us to buzzing waspy things, very perstistent and resiliant, not easily put off and very interested in the food, sitting in the shade helped slightly. Soon, everyone began to tire and talk of ice cream became more frequent and too tempting.  Back to Bariloche in the car again, passed the police who only care if headlights are on so several people lying in the back of a car didn't matter! The next big decision was what flavour ice cream to have.  Having had passionfruit in Puerto Varas, I went for a scoop of passionfruit and kiwi and a scoop of dark chocolate, a very tasty combination.  We parted ways after ice cream.  We had a lot to sort out for the next few days, mostly re-packing bags and finding a place to stay in Punta Arenas then Torres del Paine, oh and actually getting there! Kept dorm awake packing bags, oops. Glad that the big bag of science could stay behind at least!

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